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Western Wisconsin COVID-19 Archive Project

Collected Item: “Geared Up for a Clinic Visit”

What type of object are you contributing?


Provide a brief title for the object you are contributing.

Geared Up for a Clinic Visit

Provide us with a brief description of this object and, if it is not obvious, how it connects with the Chippewa Valley. For example, if this object is an image describe for us what the image displays and why it is significant.

Jodi Kiffmeyer wears a face mask to visit the Mayo Clinic Health System clinic in Eau Claire. The green sticker on her shirt indicates that she was screened for Covid-19 symptoms that day, a requirement for visitors and patients at all Mayo locations.

When was this item created? Please use a "month day, year" format, for example, "April 10, 2020."

May 26, 2020

Share with us the geographic location where this item was created. Please include, if possible, a ZIP code and an address or cross streets to help us map this location. For example, "Rice Lake, Wis., 54868, intersection of Main and Knapp."

Eau Claire, Wis., 54703, 1221 Whipple

Who created this object?

Jodi Kiffmeyer

Tell us who is contributing this object to the Covid-19 archive. For example, "John Smith."

Jodi Kiffmeyer

Help us identify a category for this item by selecting one option from this list that best fits the item you are contributing.

Health and medicine

Your name.


I have read and agree to the terms and conditions associated with contributing objects to this project.

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