Covid Diary Entry



Covid Diary Entry


I have always loved writing and making essays on my own by making it funny instead of boring and extremely formal. With writing a diary entry about my day allowed me to bring in the aspects of a primary source while also allowing me to have fun with the assignment. The diary entry I wrote constitutes a primary source because it deals with life in a first-hand account during the pandemic. Primary sources can range from journal entries to magazines, to published scientific data, to something as small as a conversation between two grandparents. Since I am talking about what I am going through and seeing and doing during the covid-19 pandemic my source is a primary source. If I were to write a journal entry about what I read about WWII, it wouldn’t be a primary source because it’s not an artifact created under that specific time. This diary entry best expresses my experiences throughout the pandemic because it really expresses the major aspects of my life. Social life, school, and masks. As a college student school is very important, and the entry describes how hard it is to learn while being all online, it also talks about how difficult it is to have a social life when everything's closed down and you’re not allowed to see lots of people. This perfectly highlights the major problems in my life today.


December 9, 2020


Eau Claire, Wis., 54701


Megan Tougas


Megan Tougas


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