No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex,
be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of,
or be subjected to discrimination under the educational
program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.”
-Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972

The original purpose of Title IX was to cover the gaps left behind from the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prevents employers from discrimination based on race, sex, national origin, and religion. It was later pointed out that this amendment could be applied in educational settings and athletics. Academically, Title IX eliminated “only women” and “only men” careers and class courses.
“In 1969, the professional program offered by the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Physical Education Department included minors for men and women. In 1972, the professional education major for women was initiated with an enrollment of 94. Title IX led to the removal of the stipulation "for women only" and in the Fall of 1975 the major was available to both men and women. This action has more than doubled the number enrolled in the program to a total of 215 in the fall of 1977.”
-UWEC Athletic Committee Records "Major Project Request Document, 1979-81 Biennium"
The changes that took place within the athletic department on campus were slow. In 1979, a Regents Task Force requested a report on the status of shifting UW-Eau Claire toward complying with Title IX. In the report, athletes and coaches indicated that they still felt discrimination in the distribution of sports information, housing, quality of coaches, budget, access to equipment, and health services.