UWEC Bands Centennial Project

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  • 1984 Jazz Ensemble

    Jazz Ensemble I, Henry Mautner, director, in rehearsal in Fine Arts Center 139.
  • 1984 Jazz Ensemble

    Jazz Ensemble I, Henry Mautner, director, in rehearsal in Fine Arts Center 139.
  • 1984 Jazz Ensemble

    Jazz Ensemble I, Henry Mautner, director, in rehearsal in Fine Arts Center 139.
  • 1984 Jazz Ensemble

    Jazz Ensemble I, Henry Mautner, director, in rehearsal in Fine Arts Center 139.
  • 1984 Jazz Ensemble

    Jazz Ensemble I, Henry Mautner, director, in rehearsal in Fine Arts Center room 139.
  • Recording Symphony Band 1974

    The Symphony Band, Dr. Donald S. George, conductor, recording session from the recording studio looking into 139.
  • Brass Ensemble 1974

    The WSU Brass Ensemble Dominic Spera, conductor in the Fine Arts Center 139 posing for a photo.
  • Jazz 1974

    The Jazz Ensemble performed in the Fine Arts Center Lobby in 1974.
  • Dr. George 1974

    Dr. Donald S. George, Director of Bands headshot in 1974.
  • Flute Ensemble

    The 1984 Flute Ensemble in Phillips Recital Hall.
  • 1984 Flute Ensemble

    The Flute Ensemble group photo from 1984 in the Phillips Recital Hall.
  • 1984 BMB

    The BMB marched off the field following their performance at Carson Park.
  • 1984 BMB

    The BMB performed at Halftime at Carson Park in 1984.
  • 1984 Trumpet Soloist

    The BMB features a trumpet soloist during halftime at Carson Park.
  • 1984 BMB

    The BMB performed at halftime during a football game in Carson Park.
  • 1984 Company Front

    The 1984 BMB performed a company front during their 1984 halftime show at Carson Park.
  • 1982 Homecoming

    Members of the BMB are represented on the Homecoming court in 1982. One member still wears the WSU uniforms that were not updated until 1986.
  • Dance Feature

    The 1982 BMB featured the Dance Team during the Homecoming Football game at Carson Park.
  • 1982 BMB Backfield

    The BMB performed at halftime during the 1982 Homecoming football game.
  • 1982 BMB

    The BMB performed at Carson Park during the 1982 Homecoming football game.
  • 1982 BMB

    The BMB performed at Halftime during homecoming in 1982.
  • 1982 BMB at Carson Park

    The BMB performed during halftime at the Homecoming game at Carson Park.
  • 1968 Symphony Band

    The Wisconsin State University - Eau Claire Symphony Band in Schofield Auditorium during the 1968-1969 academic year.
  • I. U. Swing Machine - Baker

    The University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire Jazz Ensemble I, Dominic Spera, director, performed I. U. Swing Machine by David Baker on February 25, 1976 in Gantner Concert Hall. Soloists: Cathy Otterson, alto saxophone Dave Herndon, trumpet Noreen Grey, piano
  • Boonie's Blues - Spera

    The University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire Jazz Ensemble I, Dominic Spera, director, performed Boonie's Blues by Dominic Spera on February 25, 1976 in Gantner Concert Hall. Soloists: Kevin Genrich, tenor saxophone Noreen Grey, piano