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                                                        Forum Series

Gloria Steinem with Dorothy Pitman

Women's Liberation, 1970-71 

Gloria Steinem is best known for her activism during the women's movement in the 1960s and 1970s. Steinem discussed how women and African Americans were being oppressed by white male plutocracy. She argued that human equality could not be achieved until Americans addressed racism and sexism in their society. Women and men do not have to conform to gender roles, expectations, and stereotypes but instead liberate themselves from societal norms.

Congresswoman Yvonne Brathwaite Burke

Women as People, 1973-74Women in Politics, 1975-76

Congresswoman Yvonne Brathwaite Burke was the first black woman to hold a legislative position in the House of Representatives from California. During the Forum series, Burke urged women to take a more active role in politics at all levels of government and policy making. She argued that by having more women in politics America would be closer to total representation within the government. She also gave examples of discrimination against women in the workplace and institutions. 

Dr. Leo Buscaglia

Love, 1974-75Challenge of Being Fully Human, 1977-78

Dr. Leo Buscaglia, also known as the Love Doctor, taught at the University of Southern California. At the end of the 1960s he started a course where students could openly discuss their experiences about big life topics, such as life, death, sex, and the future. This experiment influenced his lecture, which focused on love and human relationships.

“Perfect love is rare indeed - for to be a lover will require that you continually have the subtlety of the very wise, the flexibility of the child, the sensitivity of the artist, the understanding of the philosopher, the acceptance of the saint, the tolerance of the scholar and the fortitude of the certain.”

                                                                 - Leo Buscaglia's book "Love"

Simon Wiesenthal

Murderers Among Us, 1978-79

Simon Wiesenthal was a Nazi hunter during the twentieth century. He and his family were imprisoned in a Nazi German concentration camp in Poland. In the years after his liberation from the concentration camp in Mauthausen he searched for Nazi war criminals. In order to discover more information on the whereabouts of Nazi war criminals he established the Jewish Historical Documentation Center in Austria. He captured over one thousand perpetrators of the Holocaust.

                                                        Artists Series


Noh is a type of classical theater that is found in Japan. Classical theater can be separated into two categories: noh (tragedy) and kyogen (comedy). A great emphasis is put on the design of the masks, because the masks are used as tools for symbolism and determining the characters' actions. Noh are made up of all male cast members, which is passed down from master to apprentice. This more often than not means passing the practice on from father to son.

Yong Uck Kim

Yong Uck Kim was a violinist from South Korea. He was a very experienced violinist that started to learn the instrument at a young age. Lessons started at the age of 7 and within a year he was performing with the Seoul Symphony.