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                                                        Forum Series

Michael Uslan

From Fan to Filmmaker: The Journey to Bring Batman to the Silver Screen, 2010-11

Michael Uslan was the executive producer of the Batman movie series. His forum series was about his struggle over the course of his career to create a successful Batman movie in Hollywood. Uslan wanted to take the character Batman out of the comics and onto the big silver screen. He told students that they will have to try over and over again to achieve their goals after college and encouraged them to take risks.

Temple Grandin

Different Kinds of Minds Contribute to Society, 2014-15

Temple Grandin is best known for her work in the animal sciences, animal welfare, and the livestock industry. Grandin discussed early intervention for children with autism, which was inspired by her own experiences in the classroom and being diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The second part of her discussion focused on how everyone thinks in different ways and all of these different types of minds can create amazing things.


"There’s too much attention on the deficit, and not enough on building up the strengths."

- Temple Grandin Forum Series lecture

Monica Lewinsky

The Price of Shame, 2022-23

Monica Lewinsky's discussion focused on how social media influences online bullying. In the second part of the discussion Lewinsky gave advice to people that have/are experiencing bullying. One of her main points to decrease bullying was to reach out to friends and family about what is happening. Lewinsky also urged companies and policymakers to take a more proactive stance against bullying.

                                                        Artists Series

Step Afrika, 2012-13

Step Afrika is a professional dance company that focuses on creating rhythm based music. The group creates unique sounds by using the body as another instrument, such as foot stomping and clapping. 

Cirque Zuma Zuma, 201-15

Cirque Zuma Zuma is a major production that eliminated the stage. The group has been described as an African style Cirque du Soleil. Cirque Zuma Zuma has traveled around the world entertaining audience members with dancers, acrobats, and musicians.