Collected Item: “"No Shirt, No Shoes, No Mask, No Service"”
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"No Shirt, No Shoes, No Mask, No Service"
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The mask mandate caused businesses to put up signs in their front doors informing their customers that they are required to wear masks in order to enter their stores, similarly to businesses requiring customers to wear shoes and shirts to enter their store. I took those classic "No shirt, No shoes, No service" signs and added "No mask" because wearing masks became a normal part of our lived that needed to be reinforced, especially for safety. The style of painting I did was a social media trend during quarantine. Videos were posted online how to make 'neon style' paintings at home. I follow the tutorials the best I could.
When was this item created? Please use a "month day, year" format, for example, "April 10, 2020."
November 10, 2020
Who created this object?
Emmaliese Normand
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Emmaliese Normand
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Social media
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