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Western Wisconsin COVID-19 Archive Project

Collected Item: “20/20”

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When looking back on 2020 many words flood my mind such as injustice, tragedy and heartache. This year has been a year in history that will be studied for years to come. This is the year of COVID-19.
My name is Michael Cummings, I am a African American college student living in Wisconsin. My existence was turned upside down on the date of March 25th 2020. This is when the stay at home order was put into effect in the state of Wisconsin. Moving forward many other heartaches have followed.I am in a unique position as I am a Afrian American male pursuing a police career in the middle of a civil rights movement. Not only has COVID-19 been at the forefront of 2020 year but also the injustices of police brutality in the United States has been brought to the world's stage.
For this painting piece I have chosen to bring in all my unique perspective of COVID-19 as well as the Black Lives Matter movement, online learning, and mental health concerns. This painting is a representation of how all the stressors that 2020 has taken a toll on all different walks of life.
The painting centers around the face of two individuals melding into one. Focusing on the left side starting with the background there are metal bars to represent the mandatory quarantine that made many feel like prisoners in their own homes. Next is the bad home haircut to symbolize how many businesses were deemed as non essential, laying off millions with no income to support their families. The eye represents the push for online interaction whether that be online schooling or a new way to conduct everyday life such as picking up groceries. The first tear is for the isolation from loved ones, because of Covid-19 many had entered and exited life alone or with only 1 visitor. The second is for the alarming growth of mental health issues along with the increased rate of domestic abuse. The mask is the symbol of togetherness, to protect others from the virus. Mask also represents all essential personnel that have no choice but to risk their lives to serve and protect the community.
The right side is a representation of the current controversy in law enforcement and minorities. The police and the civil movement Black Lives Matter have played a big role during this pandemic time. The service cap is to represent all the men and women that have upheld the law to the highest of their ability. The blind eye is for society's failure to recognize the racial injustice suffered by minorities. The tear is for those who have fallen victim to racial injustice and for hope of a better future.

When was this item created? Please use a "month day, year" format, for example, "April 10, 2020."

November 12,2020.

Share with us the geographic location where this item was created. Please include, if possible, a ZIP code and an address or cross streets to help us map this location. For example, "Rice Lake, Wis., 54868, intersection of Main and Knapp."

Eau Claire, Wis.,54701

Who created this object?

Michael Cummings

Tell us who is contributing this object to the Covid-19 archive. For example, "John Smith."

Michael Cummings

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