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Western Wisconsin COVID-19 Archive Project

Collected Item: “The Roller Coaster of Emotions”

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The Roller Coaster of Emotions

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The old saying, "A picture is worth a thousand words." connects with me. I'm not always someone that is using their words well. With the arts, I can translate what I want to say without actually saying the words. The drawing is a symbolic meaning of what my experience was like in my first semester. I do not think I would have believed anyone if they told me that my first year as a college student would start in a pandemic. The overall way I described my semester was "a roller coaster." That is the generic way to express emotions. However, considering how the year 2020 has been so chaotic with everything going on-from the pandemic to the inhumane killing of George Floyd-being generic is what we need. I used this drawing in my "Foundations for Academic Success" class. However, this drawing has meanings that other people can also relate to. When talking about how this pandemic has affected UWEC, there's a range of emotions. There is the relief of the possibility of attending campus safely. At the same time, we didn't know how long we would stay on campus. Also, there were already cases of COVID-19 on campus. The students and teachers were also frustrated and confused with the administration's handling of the COVID-19 situation on campus. On top of that, students felt betrayed by UWEC when cases keep soaring. As we got word that all classes will be online for the rest of the remainder of the Fall Semester, students felt that they were being catfish. They either had to stay on campus and get tested two times a week or go back to their based homes and not get a refund. By having an artwork of a roller coaster filled with twists and turns, it goes to show the uncertainty of UWEC's future. As I write this paper, there have been 482K COVID-19 cases so far in Eau Claire County (4,281 cases were reported on December 18, 2020).

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DECEMBER 18, 2020

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