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Western Wisconsin COVID-19 Archive Project

Collected Item: “Competitive COD during the Pandemic”

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Competitive COD during the Pandemic

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During the COVID-19 pandemic I took it upon myself to become quite more entrenched in technology. One of my most cherished pieces of technology is easily my own desktop computer I built in November of 2020. Part of the reason I built this computer was to play video games, particularly at a higher level. The primary source I have submitted is the culmination of that goal. As a competitive Call of Duty player for years I have always strived to be the best player I can be, and building this computer gave me the best chance to show my skillset. In the video I have disclosed I present the best map of Call of Duty I have ever played. I chose this to share because it shows how hard I have worked on this goal to be a better player since the COVID-19 pandemic began. This seventeen minute video shows how much better I have become, and that is in part due to the pandemic, for giving me the time and opportunity to achieve this goal.
I would like to establish some context for the source I have provided. This game was scheduled on the website or CMG for short. Though to most people this may just appear to be another match on a video game, it was a actually a wager. I almost always play people for money because it adds more stakes and makes the competition better. This match specifically was a prize pool of twelve dollars, each player putting down two. The match was also not just this map of gameplay, it was a best of three maps. This map was the last one, winner takes all. I did not want to upload the whole series as it took well over an hour and a half for all three maps. The way CMG wagers work is whoever is the higher seed on the leaderboard for that current season is hosts the first game, then the other team hosts, and whoever won the most rounds overall hosts the last map. The way the game mode we play, Search and Destroy, works is there is two bomb sites, offense tries to blow them up or take out the defenders, defense has to either eliminate them or defuse the bomb. The first map we went down five rounds to one, and came back to win six rounds to five. The second game we lost six to four, meaning they would host the last game. Things were not looking good for us, but I had an amazing map three and we won six rounds to three.
The reason I call this map my best ever is because it is the only time I have ever started a game at a massive nineteen kills to zero deaths. This is an unprecedented performance and I wanted to share it. With the COVID-19 pandemic locking down most of the country this is what much of my experience looked like. Playing Call of Duty almost every night and getting better at it.
*see video attached*

When was this item created? Please use a "month day, year" format, for example, "April 10, 2020."

May 1, 2021

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Albany, Illinois

Who created this object?

Briar Totty

Tell us who is contributing this object to the Covid-19 archive. For example, "John Smith."

Briar Totty

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Social distancing

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