Covid Kills



Covid Kills


During the year of 2020, millions across the world have seen loved ones fall victim to the
deadly Coronavirus. As of December 8, the death toll worldwide is at 1.56 million. For my primary source I have chosen to paint a picture that resembles everyones biggest fear during these uncertain times; losing a loved one. For my picture, I drew a women who sits on a bench holding a wooden cross and a picture frame. The picture she holds is of her and her late husband, Juan Perez. The cross also reads his name and date of death. This painting represents the pain the pandemic has inflicted onto us humans, leaving us in dark and lonely places. With sharing this, I hope those in the future can look back to it and understand what our times were like.


Eau Claire, Wis., 54701


December 10, 2020


Chloe Woods


Chloe Woods



This item was submitted on December 10, 2020 by [anonymous user] using the form “Contribute an object” on the site “Western Wisconsin COVID-19 Archive Project”:

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