Covid experience interview's 2021



Covid experience interview's 2021


*See video attatched*

For documenting my experiences and creating my primary source I immediately thought to do interviews with my family about their experiences since they all are different due to the age differences and what their daily lives are like. I chose to interview my little brother who is still in high school, myself a freshman college student who just graduated high school during the pandemic, both of my parents who lead different work lives, and both my grandparents to get a sense of what it was like for retired senior citizens. These interviews really mean a lot to me and my experiences through the pandemic for a few reasons. One reason is because I had spent a lot of time with my family during quarantine and we all were going through the experience together as well as I have been able to see how the pandemic has affected each family member individually at home and out in public. My family is very close with my grandparents so it was pretty hard to not see them as much so a lot of the time, including holidays, we would facetime them and play games like Farkle (dice game), UNO, and even open presents together during Christmas time. Another big reason I did interviews was because the summer I was going into high school, I took a trip to New York with some other members of my family and we went to Ellis Island. While we were there, I was able to learn the most from the interviews displayed on the tv’s versus anywhere else because you can really learn a lot from the tone and expression in a person's voice instead of reading it on paper. Throughout this class, I personally learned more through oral histories because I am an audio/visual learner so I thought it would be a good idea to make a primary source like those for future generation students that learn like me. A primary source can be things ranging from paintings, made-up stories, documents, interviews, and journal entries from someone. What makes my project a primary source is that it is a mesh of oral histories which are interviews with people who have lived through a specific event and can give stories and examples of what it was really like to live that event. I think future researchers and students can learn from my source well because I have given all sorts of different perspectives through different ages and careers on what it was like living through the pandemic and the year of 2020-2021. Also through an oral history, you can see facial expressions and hearing the tone in a person's voice can give you a good sense of the feelings that are present when speaking about a topic.




April 28, 2020


Victoria, Minn., 55386


Spencer M Dieken


Spencer M Dieken



This item was submitted on May 6, 2021 by [anonymous user] using the form “Contribute an object” on the site “Western Wisconsin COVID-19 Archive Project”:

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