the moon that connects us



the moon that connects us


This image seems simple. A picture of the moon on a calm night, but this image represents so much more. it represents the connection we all share with one another. If Covid-19 has taught us anything, its taught us that we are all connected by something, someone, somewhere. It's shown us that life will throw big asteroids at us, trying to knock us down, and it's up to to us to decide if we'll stay down or get back up, this includes throwing endless amounts of loss in our faces. Great loss. I lost the person I would spill my hardships with, tell my stories to, the good and bad. I only knew him for a short while, but those few months felt like years. Covid-19 limited the times we could see each other, meaning I had only just met him in person a few weeks before he died, we couldn't see each other as often because he couldn't get his license plate DUE TO COVID. We have limited memories because of Covid. He didn't really show up to school on the days he was supposed to, because Covid limited the days of in person class, so what was the point of even going right? How could a virus have this big of an affect on our lives? When he died I felt empty, cold, and nothing but endless pain. Pain that I thought would last forever. I felt as though I didn't have the right to miss him when there was a whole pandemic going on and people were losing loved ones everyday. What made this one so special. I wanted to scream, I wanted to hold him, I wanted to hug his family, I wanted someone to hold me and just let me cry. But I couldn't do any of that. I couldn't hug the one person I wanted to hug, because of Covid. The best I could get was facetime. We went months without seeing the people we loved, only having facetime to see their prefect smiles, and catch up on what we were missing. I ended up grieving him on my own, alone with literally no idea how to get through it. The worst part about it is that he was supposed to be in school the day he died. But because we were only going two days a week, he wasn't. If this whole pandemic wasn't real, he would've been in school, safe. But he wasn't. Covid took him away from his loved ones, even if it wasn't the virus that killed him. The only thing this pandemic has shown me, is that no matter where I am and no matter how many worlds apart we are, we still share the same moon, even when they've become one with the stars that dance around that very moon. That moon is the only thing that keeps him and I connected.


Eau Claire, Wish. 54703


May 21, 2021


Maya Goswamy


Maya Goswamy


Home and family

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