Chris Delvin, RN Perioperative Manager, May 2021



Chris Delvin, RN Perioperative Manager, May 2021


Interviewee: Chris Delvin
Interviewer: Bennett Running
Date: May 7, 2021
Format: Video recording, Zoom
Location of interview: Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Transcriber: Bennett Running
Additional Transcription Equipment used:
Project in association with: University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire


Oral history transcript


May 7, 2021


Bennett Running


Alexis Polencheck


Chris Delvin is the RN perioperative manager at the Marshfield Clinic in Eau Claire. In this interview Chris discusses the effects of the pandemic on his clinic and how he and his staff responded by converting a surgical clinic into a negative flow covid unit and doubled the amount of beds they could handle. He talks not only about work but also how the pandemic has transformed his home and spiritual life. Matt Schneider also joins midway through and offers his perspectives on how Chris managed the situations and contributed to helping protect his community.

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