Linda White, Financial Sector Worker, May 2021



Linda White, Financial Sector Worker, May 2021


Interviewer Nathanie Langner
Interviewee Linda White
Date of Interview: 5-4-2021
Location of Interview Altoona WI
Format: Zoom
Transcription Nathaniel Langner help from Zoom
Project in association with: University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire


Oral history transcript


May 4, 2021


Nathaniel Langner


Alexis Polencheck


This interview conducted with Linda White talks about how her job in the financial sector changed and the many challenges presented from working from home. The interview also talks about the challenges of being a mom and having multiple kids returning home under one roof and how the family adapted. The interview also gives an interesting perspective into the life of a mother who has a child working in the health care field at this time. Finally, the interview also talks about other new experiences and hobbies developed and how staying positive was important. This interview ended by talking about the vaccine and looking to the future.

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