COVID as a Collage



COVID as a Collage


I wanted to make something that was colorful and cheerful to remind people of the good things that are still happening in the world and that it is okay to find a light even in the darkest of times. None of this is to take away from the grim situation we are facing on a global level. It is hard to ignore the lack of medical supplies, the millions of people who have lost their jobs and that the economy is at a historical low point. I want to continue to help in any way I can, focus on the positive and hope that we as a nation can come together and beat this pandemic.


Rosemount, Minn, 55068


May 18, 2020


Sofia Valencia


Sofia Valencia


Communities and neighborhoods
Home and family

Site pages

This item was submitted on May 19, 2020 by [anonymous user] using the form “Contribute an object” on the site “Western Wisconsin COVID-19 Archive Project”:

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