Social Distancing on Eau Claire Transit Bus
Social Distancing on Eau Claire Transit Bus
This is a picture of how the Eau Claire buses are implementing social distancing guidelines. Caution tape was put on seats that people could not sit in and orange tape was put on seats people were allowed to sit it. Caution tape was also used to separate the front and the back of the bus. No one was allowed to sit in the front of the bus near the driver unless the person was handicapped. Anyone needing to ride the bus boarded through the side door near the middle of the bus. Bus fares were waved during this time because it kept the driver safe from exposure and no one had to deal with contaminated money. The number of people allowed to ride the bus was severely reduced due to blocked seating. Some buses were only allowed to carry a max of seven people. If there were more than the number allowed, someone had to get off the bus.
Eau Claire, Wis., 54701, Eau Claire Transit Center
April 3, 2020
Karen Kilby with cell phone camera
Karen Kilby
Social distancing
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