About the Project/Sobre el Proyecto

Voces Del Campo/Rural Voices is an oral history project dedicated to documenting the stories and experiences of Latine populations in communities across rural western Wisconsin. 

It began during the 2020 Covid-19 Pandemic as a rapid response collection of oral histories with rural migrant workers in Wisconsin. Led by Dr. Cheryl Jimenez Frei and Dr. Elena Casey, Spanish and Public History major students at UW-Eau Claire worked to conduct, transcribe, translate, and archive those stories.

Since then, it has grown to become a larger initiative to collect and share the experience of the Latine community in urban and rural Wisconsin areas. From artists, entrepreneurs, farmworkers, translators, etc., our archive is continuously expanding. It provides a learning experience for students to enhance their Spanish language skills, conducting oral histories, and growing knowledge of archival work.

Additionally, Voces del Campo allows for the public to learn more about the Latine experience in Wisconsin and the long history they have in the state. Our hope is to educate the public, while also providing a space for Latines voices to be heard.

Abbotsford, Wisconsin's main street before the Latine community grew to what it is today in the area. Many of these buildings were no longer being occupied.

Abbotsford Wisconsin's revitalized main street. With it being a collection of abandoned buildings where businesses once thrived, the Latine community has created a flourishing street once again.
