COVID-19 Pandemic

The National Guard testing people at a drive in Covid-19 test.

The 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic had many effects on the U.S, as well as other countries around the world. 


Nationwide, 19.1% of the population is Latine as of the Census of 2022. From 2020-2024, 24.3% of COVID-19 cases were from the Latine community and 173,088 Latines have died due to COVID-19. 


In Wisconsin, 6.9% of the population is Latine. From 2020-2024, 4.2% of deaths due to COVID-19 were from the Latine community. 


What some farmworkers have said about the effect COVID-19 has had on their lives:


"Los mayores desafíos, como estar encerrado, si, la verdad."

"The biggest challenge was being locked down actually"

-Rafael (pseudonym) March 17, 2021, 1:30pm


"Pues, eh, lo que más me ha preocupado, pues en su momento fue que porque muchos, muchos trabajos dejaron de funcionar, o sea, muchas personas dejaron de trabajar, entonces esa era mi preocupación, el que yo dejara de trabajar y así dejar de, pues, generar para sobrevivir. "

"Well, eh, what has worried me the most, well in the moment many jobs stopped functioning, or there were many people who left work, then, that was my concern, that I would stop working and generating money to survive."

-Dante (pseudonym) March 17, 2021, 12:20pm