10/31/1918: No Salary for Teachers While Flu Ban is on: Wording of Contracts Relieves Board of Education of Responsibility



10/31/1918: No Salary for Teachers While Flu Ban is on: Wording of Contracts Relieves Board of Education of Responsibility


The Eau Claire Leader


Newspaper Archive


October 31, 1918


Eau Claire, Wi


Newspaper article saying that teachers would not receive paychecks while schools were closed due to the epidemic of influenza.




Public domain. For more information contact Special Collections and Archives, McIntyre Library, UW-Eau Claire.


The Eau Claire Leader


"Wording of Contracts Relieves Board of Education of Responsibility. An erroneous impression seems to have gone forth that all teachers in the state will receive pay during the time of enforced school recess, - closing of the schools because of the influenza epidemic- this applying to Eau Claire as well as other cities and communities in the state. Eau Claire teachers will receive no pay during the enforced recess period, it is stated. The contracts signed by the local teachers call for nine months work teaching between August 1, 1918, and August 1, 1919, and it is pointed out that the contract specifies that the city will not be liable for time lost when causes beyond control of the board of education force a closing of schools, such as the ban placed on the schools during the present epidemic. However, attention is called to the fact that the teachers will get their full pay for the nine month period when they make up later the time lost now."

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