12/06/1918: School Activities in Eau Claire County: Edited By the Students of the Eau Claire County Training School



12/06/1918: School Activities in Eau Claire County: Edited By the Students of the Eau Claire County Training School


The Eau Claire Leader


Newspaper Archives


December 6, 1918


Eau Claire, Wi


Newspaper article discusses the re-opening of the county training school and the rules affecting the schools still closed.




Public domain. For more information contact Special Collections and Archives, McIntyre Library, UW-Eau Claire.


The Eau Claire Leader


The Eau Claire County Training School for Teachers reopened its doors after a seven-week "flu" vacation, and we want to assure you that we are BUSY. The first quarter will close Friday and the second quarter opens Monday, Dec. 9. All those expecting to begin work the second quarter should plan to be present the first day.

Miss Jennie E. Fargo, our former Domestic Science teacher, was a caller Saturday. She is working with the Industrial Commission at Chicago and is enjoying the work very much. Mr. Ingalls is at Madison this week attending the County Agents' convention.

Miss Johnson and Miss Rebnstrand are at Madison this week attending the county superintendents' convention.
"Drink less, breathe more,
Eat less, chew more,
Ride less, walk more,
Worry less, work more,
Preach less, practice more."

Whenever you spit, whenever you sneeze,
Whenever your rugs you beat,
When you scatter dust with a feather broom,
And shake it in the street;
When rubbish you pile upon the road,
When ash barrels have no top, You're poisoning the air for somebody's lungs,
And it is time that you should stop.

Teachers entitled to full salary: epidemic closing rules given out by state board of public instruction.

In consequence of the recent general closing of schools because of the influenza epidemic, some questions arise that are of direct interest to some 16,000 teachers and 21,000 school officers in this state. The following rules are given by the state department of education that the rights of parties in interest may be understood and correspondence with county superintendents and other officers and discussions among school officers and teachers may be avoided.

(a) Unless there is some provision to the contrary in the written or verbal contract entered into between the teacher and the school board, the teacher if at all times ready to render the services as agreed, is entitled to pay, the same as if the school had not been closed. (Our supreme court has ruled that a verbal contract is as binding as a written contract.)

(b) It is not necessary that the time during which school is closed because of the prevalence of an epidemic shall be "made up" by teaching additional days at the close of the agreed term. If additional days are taught, a new agreement should be entered into between the teacher and the school board.

(c) The time during which school is closed is also counted as "days taught," in favor of the district. This means that, if the law demands that school shall be maintained for the agreed number of days (160 or 180) in order to share in the regular apportionment of special state aids, the days school was closed because of the epidemic will be counted as part of the required time. The clerk of the school board must make a clear and verified statement in his report to the county superintendent at the close of the school year, showing the number of days that school was closed, and the cause. This report will be transmitted by the county superintendent to the state superintendent and will be the basis for granting the usual apportionments and special side.

(d) It is not necessary for the teacher to remain in the district, village or city where she is teaching, that the right to her salary be retained; neither can she be required to remain and perform some other work incidental to the teaching, such as cataloging the library books, etc.

When the danger of an epidemic apparently has passed, the school officers and the local board of health should confer for the purpose of fixing a date when the scohols[sic] may be opened. It then becomes the duty of the school board to notify the teacher of the date of opening, that she may be prepared to take up her work at the time fixed.

The State Board of Health will issue an order to the local health authorities as soon as it appears from reports that danger from the epidemic is past. This order is not likely, however, to be general, but will apply to those localities where it seems the disease has abated sufficiently to warrant opening the schools.
--Educational News Bulletin.

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