12/10/1918: Public Schools and Model School at Normal Close Because of Flu: Dances and Social Functions Forbidden; Quarantine Rules Take Effect



12/10/1918: Public Schools and Model School at Normal Close Because of Flu: Dances and Social Functions Forbidden; Quarantine Rules Take Effect


The Eau Claire Leader


Newspaper Archives


December 10, 1918


Eau Claire, Wi


Newspaper article discussing the closing of certain schools and detailing further measures enacted by the Board of Health.




Public domain. For more information contact Special Collections and Archives, McIntyre Library, UW-Eau Claire.


The Eau Claire Leader


"Closing of schools in the Second and Tenth wards and St. Patrick's school due to the increase of influenza, was decreed by the board of health Sunday. Last night the school board voted to close the remaining public schools and the president of the normal school decided to disontinue[sic] the model school, but not the normal school. The rulings take effect today and there will be no roll call.

In addition to the rulings of Saturday providing for the placarding of all homes where influenza exists, the detention within such houses of all save the wage earners, and the reporting of all cases within twenty-four hours, the board of health Sunday enacted the following measures:

All dances and social functions prohibited until further notice.

Special police to inspect places of business to prevent crowds.

Competent persons to visit quarantined houses to instruct in disinfecting and length of quarantine.

All children to remain within their homes or upon their own premises until after the removal of placards from the houses.

The public library to be closed.

The members of the board of health earnestly request in view of the increase of influenza, that the public avoid crowds, take every precaution against spreading the disease, and report suspicious cases.

124 New Cases.
One hundred twenty-four new cases were recorded yesterday at the office of the board of health and three deaths occurred from influenza yesterday morning.

The meeting of the school board last night showed the following record of attendance for the day. not all the absences were due to illness of pupils for many were debarred by illness in the family or kept from school by apprehensive parents. The record stood:

[School] [No. Enrolled] [Forenoon] [Afternoon]

High school...593...123...153
1st ward...219...56...77
2nd ward...263...148...[no listing]
3rd ward...277...62...106
4th ward...102...19...33
7th ward No. 2...308...90...120
7th ward No. 1...283...94...82
8th ward...237...37...42
9th ward...450...190...221
10th ward...276...182...[no listing]

Twelve teachers were out and several rooms were dismissed for lack of teachers.

While no statement was made as to the duration of school closing, the superintendent said last n ight the vacation would last through the month. Teachers will be paid as usual. Work will be found for janitors, whose pay will continue.

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